How I got my first Work from Home job.

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I have always had the desire to work from home. I am not a fan of clocking in and I don’t really like answering to management. Of course, the joke is on me because apparently, I have 2 little tyrant managers I answer to every day that call me MOM! All jokes aside setting my own schedule and being my own boss has always been my desire. If you read my about me section you learn that I started my first work from home job as a photographer. Unlike most momtographers, my photography business began before I had children as a side gig to my full-time Advertising career. But once I did have my own child, this job was perfect for allowing me to be creative and provide some disposable income for my household. However, as my children grew older the work schedule didn’t jive with my children’s weekend activities. I am a firm believer in constantly growing and experiencing new opportunities.

Then in 2015, I started my Marketing Consulting business. I saw the direction of advertising going towards social media and I felt a yearning to practice this other skill that I also had experience with. In 2017 I learned about a company called I wondered if there could really be legit work from home job opportunities that weren’t just pocket change task like taking surveys. I paid the nominal fee (that I knew I could write off on my taxes as a business expense) and signed up. Within a month I had applied to a company based out of Wisconsin to manage their Facebook advertising and I GOT THE JOB! This client remained with me for over a year and I made around $1200 a month! I don’t consider that pocket change! I also continued to grow my client base to include some local small businesses who did not have the time to learn the crazy algorithms of Facebook.

In the meantime I had a friend who also was looking to work from home. She asked me for advice and I once again sent her to Hire My She too within a month applied to a job and landed a job as a Virtual Assistant for an online retailer. Within a year she had promoted to Operations Manager!

Needless to say when people ask me for advice on working from home my first recommendation is to send them to You don’t have to read these words and take my word for it! I have actually interviewed the friend mentioned above and the owner of, Lesley Pyle, for my Youtube channel. You can find the videos below!

How to get your first work at home job
How to get your first work at home job.
How to get your first work at home job.

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